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Not Sure If Skin Resurfacing Is For You? Here Is A Comprehensive Guide

Skin resurfacing is an effective treatment that you can use to reverse the damaging procedures of aging and sun exposure. So, if acne, aging, or too much sun damage has left your face with scars, blotches, lines, or wrinkles, then this treatment, known as skin resurfacing, can help you a lot.

This procedure, known as skin resurfacing, can remove the layers of your damaged skin with perfect precision. The new cells of your skin that form after this treatment can offer your skin a younger and tighter-looking surface. Skin resurfacing experts can perform this procedure alone or even with other types of cosmetic surgeries, if necessary.

However, this treatment procedure may not be perfect for everyone. So, it is important to teach patients about the pros and cons of this skin treatment called skin resurfacing.

Skin Resurfacing
Skin Resurfacing

What Is Skin Resurfacing? An Overview

It is a skin treatment procedure with which you can give yourself youthful and tighter skin without any incisions. There are mainly two types of skin resurfacing or laser skin resurfacing, such as non-ablative and ablative. The non-ablative procedure works on deeper layers of your skin and hence, can address issues like redness, pigment, and broken blood vessels.

In contrast, the ablative one can remove the top layer of your damaged skin and reveal the hidden layer of healthy and fresh skin. This procedure of skin resurfacing can even help to stimulate the production of collagen and eventually improve skin texture and fine lines.

Pros of skin resurfacing- points to note

There are various types of benefits of skin resurfacing that you can enjoy. Some of those are:

  1. With skin resurfacing, you can improve the appearance of uneven pigmentation, and acne scars.

  2. This effective skin treatment procedure can smoothen and tighten wrinkled skin, eventually offering a younger-looking appearance.

  3. Skin resurfacing is a minimally invasive procedure. There is no need for incisions as you may need to face them in case of various surgical procedures, such as eyelid surgery, facelift, etc.

  4. This effective treatment can help a lot in treating various body parts, like hands, neck, delicate facial skin around the mouth and eyes, and even chest areas.

  5. This popular skin treatment procedure needs little to no downtime. Hence, patients can start their normal life sooner than with other surgical procedures, which usually need one or more weeks of recovery.

Cons of skin resurfacing- points to note

There are a few cons of skin resurfacing, such as:

  1. People with darker skin tones may need six to nine months to get normal skin pigmentation of their skin.

  2. With repeated treatments, long-lasting improvements in skin texture and quality can be gained. However, the results may be temporary.

  3. Just like other types of cosmetic procedures, skin resurfacing procedures may involve some minor complications and risks, which may include redness, pigmentation, and swelling.

  4. Patients who are prone to getting scars may need to take some specific medications or even face a skin disorder. Hence, some of them may not be eligible for this skin treatment procedure.

Preparing Your Skin For Resurfacing: Top Tips To Know

If you wish to get a skin resurfacing treatment, you need to start the procedure by consulting a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and find out whether this treatment will suit you or not. You should inform your medical expert if you start suffering from fever blisters or something like cold sores around your mouth. The reason is skin resurfacing treatment can trigger breakouts in patients who are at risk.

After consulting your doctor, if you decide to receive this treatment, your doctor will tell you not to take any supplements or medications, like ibuprofen, aspirin, or even vitamin E, that can affect your clotting procedure for ten days before your surgery.


At the end of the day, resurfacing your skin, whether with laser or non-invasive procedures, can drastically improve your appearance, and make your skin look brighter and feel smoother to the touch. Hopefully, this article helped you get familiar with both the pros and cons of skin resurfacing treatment through which you can maximize your chances of receiving the best results possible and minimize any side effects.

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