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Major Points To Be Considered While Installing Shade Sails

Installation of shade sails is undoubtedly an important task. The major benefits of shade sails are protected from UV rays. However, before you get into it, you should confirm with the local authorities regarding the regulations if any and with the utility companies for an underground service since digging holes would be required for the support of the posts. This is very essential to consider the location that is apt for the installation of shade sails.

Major things that you should consider:

1. The exact size of the sails.

2. The direction of the sun.

3. The ability for the insertion of posts which can be fixed suitably.

4. Direction and speed of the wind.

Points to be kept in mind while installing shade sails:

1. Discovering the mounting points:

After the determination of the location of shade said sails, one must require finding out the mounting points. You may find that some of such fixing points exist already. These specifically include a large tree, fascia or pergola. Such fixing points are not available, and then you would have to install posts. You should ideally allow a space on every side of the sail between the mounting point and the sail’s corner that would ideally be around 10% of the sail’s length.

2. Have a Cross check with the local authorities:

Before you execute the installation of shade sails, you require to cross-check with the local authorities about building the regulations.

3. Fetch accessories from hardware shop:

One would receive ample help from a huge array of fixing accessories for securing your shade sails. You can get such accessories easily from a hardware supplier. Such accessories include thick, sire, and strong rope and chain for extending the corner of your shade sail to a point of fixing.

4. Fascia support is given for strength:

It is strongly recommended that you acquire the usage of fascia support in order to fix the sail. The fascia support is used for connecting & gaining greater strength. If your shade sails are bigger than 150 square feet, you necessarily need to ensure that the rafters are laden with not just nails but screws.

5. Determining the length & height of shade sails:

There may be a requirement for additional posts. In such a case, you should opt for assistance from a local timber supplier. The length of the posts must be calculated as per the proposed height of your shade’s sails adding it with the depth of your footings.

6. Installation should be secure and tight:

At the time of installation, you should connect the fixing accessories to mounting points and ensure that all the connections are facing towards the mid area of the sail in a secure and tight manner. After laying your sail out, you must begin the installation. You can ensure that all the fixing points are perfect and that the fitting is secure and tight.

7. Checking the points periodically:

You must carry on the right level of inspection on a regular basis. The installation of shade sails should remain incomplete without the proper level of maintenance and care. These require to be maintained so that they can perform well. Clean with a solution of water and mild detergent. Also applying the same with a sponge can keep the sails in a perfectly good condition.

The above pointers should be adhered to in order to install the shade sails in the best possible manner. When your shade sails are being designed in a manner that can offer to safeguard against the UV rays and also offers adequate comfort.


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