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Learn About Different Types Of Wood Chippers For An Easy Choice!

Most of us dream of having our own house someday. We also visualize having a nice lush green lawn or yard space with our dream home. The beauty of a home gets augmented significantly with a big open space. However, with a beautiful garden also comes the responsibility of maintenance. It is something too tedious a job for most of us because of our busy work schedules. This does not mean you will stop your dream of having a law with your house. Going for a good quality device which does most of your maintenance work will indeed make you feel light. A wood chipper, for instance, can be a great asset.

A wood chipper is a device which not only cleans up those pruned leaves, hedge clippings and the branches of leaves and plants that are strewn around but also convert these waste items into organically rich manure and compost for your garden. So in one investment, you can get multiple functions done. Wood chipper can also be used to compost your leftovers from the kitchen into fertilizers in minimal time. Thus, you can save additional expenses that might have incurred to purchase packaged fertilizers from garden stores.

Types Of Wood Chippers:

1. Drum chippers: The main feature of the drum chippers are drums on parallel sides attached to the knives in a horizontal direction. Such an arrangement is made so that the knives can rotate perpendicular to the blade direction. Workers cleaning parks usually use such type of wood chippers. They are popularly summoned as ‘chuck and duck’ wood chipper by people. They do come with some limitations. These wood chippers consume a lot of electricity and are also not avoid safety issues completely.

2. Disk chipper: This is the original source of a wood chipper. The wood chipper gets its name from the disk of steel inside the flywheel which is positioned in a perpendicular direction. Chopping knives with slotted disks are mounted on the main disk for chipping. There are hydraulically powered reversible wheels which push the material towards the disk and the blades to slice through it at an angle of forty-five degrees.

wood chipper

The cutting of the wood carried out in the direction opposite is facilitated by the knife inset of the chipper. This technology was originally developed by a German engineer called Heinrich Wigger who patented the formula in 1922. Disk chippers are fast, consume less energy but produce chips that are more uniform in size, but these are more suited for smaller branches and cannot handle fibrous debris which causes stress on the engine .

3. Screw chipper: This wood chipper has a large screw-shaped, conical blade that is stretched. Its edges are sharpened for chopping the wood. The mechanism is such that the chipper’s blade rotation is set in parallel to the opening of the process of wood refuse and the chippers pull out the wood by rotating action. Screw chippers also produce uniform chips but the drawback is that the blades need to be changed in accordance with the size of the chips desired.

Why Do We Prefer Wood Chippers?

Wood chippers are large outdoor devices that are designed to reduce the bulk of waste gathered from parks and gardens. Most municipalities do not allow debris to be packed and left aside for the garbage men to collect. A wood chipper allows faster cleaning of debris and effective disposal of the waste by transforming it into manure all at the same time. Electric wood chipper can be rented by persons who do not have adequate space or power supply to install one at home.  Hence it is so popular among homeowners.a

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