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Jaw Pain- Knowing The Causes And Finding The Right Treatment

Suffering from jaw pain can be a painful experience. Moreover, it will also affect your basic activities in everyday life, such as your ability to speak and chew food. If you think that your jaw is in pain because of some problem in the jaw only, then you might be wrong as well. This is because there are some other problems as well where your jaw could be in pain as a side effect. So first, we need to know the causes of jaw pain.

Why Do I Have Pain In The Jaw?

  1. TMD disorder

In short, the TMD of temporomandibular joints are the joints on each side of the jaw, and any kind of disorder in them can result in jaw pain. So what are the causes of TMD disorder lets know-

TMD disorder can be caused due to various factors as mentioned below-

  1. Pain in the muscles

  2. Injury to the jaw joints

  3. Too much stimulation in the joints

  4. Displacement of a jaw disc muscle that causes problems in the movement of the jaw

  5. Arthritis

Even your actions can cause the TMD disorder, and these include-

  1. Too much grinding of your teeth

  2. Chewing of teeth during excess stress, anger, etc.

  3. Injury to the jaw muscles while playing any sports

  4. Cluster headaches

This type of headache is generally caused around the back of the head or the eyes, but this can also be because of the internal jaw area causing jaw pain. This can be a painful type of headache and not to mention that some people have it regularly.

Jaw Pain

  1. Sinus problems

If you are suffering from sinus, then the most common reasons why you have pain in the jaws is because there are some bacteria or virus that has infected the area around the jaw muscles. And when this happens, then your jaw muscle tissues cause extra mucus to secrete that puts pressure on these muscles.

  1. Tooth pain

Teeth pain can also cause tremendous jaw pain. Sometimes the pain is so much that you cannot even distinguish between two types of pain.

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia

This is a type of neuralgia pain where the trigeminal nerves compress, causing sensitivity and pain sensations in most parts of the face, including the upper and lower jaw muscles. Make sure that such types of jaw pain are addressed to the doctor immediately.

Finding the relief for your jaw pain

You can warm a clean piece of cloth and then gently hold it over the jaw area for around 10 minutes. For ice, you can simply take some ice from your deep freezer and apply it over the jaw area.

You can also buy thermal heat pads or ice packs from the market.

Choosing to go with medicines

In case the ice packs are not working for you, medication is the only cure. You must contact a dental expert for this. They will assess the problem causing the jaw pain and will give the right medicine to you.

Massaging the jaw muscles

You can gently massage the area around the jaw muscles to get relief from the pain. You can use your index finger for this purpose. Rub gently in circulatory motion and also around the upper neck region.


There can be different reasons for jaw pain, and if you are persistently facing the issue, then you must contact a dental expert for this. Make sure that you don’t ignore oral health.


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