For some people when it comes to buying air conditioners, the 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner is the ultimate choice. But for most, this reverse cycle term may be uncommon. Particularly those who live in warm areas where the majority part of the year is warm and the mercury drops very little in winter.
But if you are from a location where there is an extreme type of climate and the days are hot and the nights are chilly you might want to have a look at the reverse cycle air conditioners.
Well, if you have not heard of the term reverse cycle so far, it's not uncommon because like you most have not.
You see, the world of air conditioners is becoming crowded with a newer form of technology evolving each day. But according to experts in the consumer electronics and AC manufacturers the 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner is here to stay for a long time.
It is no doubt that the reverse cycle air conditioner is one of the best buys that you can have in case you are willing to buy a new AC. But why? There is one function that this AC can perform that none others have. This one functionality is what makes these types of ACs highly unique.
What is Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners?
Reverse cycle air conditioners come with dual functionality of heating and cooling.
If you have understood it by now the 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner can reverse its cooling process. Thus, as you know the AC cools when it is hot outside but this one also heats when it is cold outside.
So, let's see what happens when the reverse cycle function is turned on?
When the reverse cooling function is put on the evaporator coil changes itself to the condenser coil and thus generates heat inside. Similarly, the condenser in the AC's outdoor unit changes its role to an evaporator and thus discharges the cold air. This isn’t it. There is a bonus in case you are already attracted to these ACs. You see they can also act as a dehumidifier and a cleaner agent thus purifying the air and making it crispier.
There is also one more good news. The 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner comes in both the split ones and the ducted ones. So, whether you want to install it for your one-room apartment or your multi-storied apartment the reverse air conditioners are your best bet.
Advantages of Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners:
The 3.5kw reverse air conditioner has some great and exciting advantages to offer. Let's see them
Highly Energy Efficient: If you are already in a lot of concern after seeing your electricity bills then it is recommended that you get rid of those old generation heaters for keeping you warm during the winter season. Instead, you buy the all-new reverse air conditioner. This way you will be able to cut down on your energy spending and save a few bucks. You see the 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner is an excellent energy savings device apart from the dual role it plays. So, we ask you to pay once and save till a lifetime.
Air Purifier: The added role of air purifiers is excellent considering the budget of these ACs is highly affordable. The reverse cycle air conditioners will purify the air and get rid of all the airborne bacteria and viruses.
Top Classes Sensors Auto Cool the Room: If you want to gain ultimate comfort in the hot sunny days then go for these ACs as they control the air temperature and humidity based on outer conditions.
Final Say
The 3.5kw reverse cycle air conditioner is packed with awesome features. It provides a dual role of an Ac and a heater and has auto sensor technology for your optimum comfort.