Your child can suffer from learning difficulties and there is nothing strange in the same. As per an estimate, approximately 1 out of 20 children suffer from this disability and it is 100% treatable. But you first need to understand and recognize the symptoms of your children. Pay a closer look on him/her so that you can make out what are the difficulties he is going through.
You might see that he has started to become frustrated or he is losing his calm and patience. There might be regular complaints from the school also that he is not paying attention or maybe he is involved in daydreaming. These are the signs on which one needs to work so that you can come up with some of the most amazing treatment options for your child.
You would need a professional help from an expert who will help your child to get over his learning difficulties. What the expert broadly does is that he concentrates on your child’s strength and good parts and then maybe he tries to eliminate or minimize the effect of his negative habits. This practice depends on the type of intervention you use for your child which again varies from child to child and expert to expert.
Let’s Have a look at Some of the Best Treatment Options for your Child which will help him to Get Through Learning Difficulties:
Special Education Service:
The government has granted this right to children who suffer from learning difficulties. Here a public school will set up special school free of cost for such children who have special needs. The school offers services from 3-21 years and the services are very similar to the usual school but designed with a special focus to such kids. But each and every child cannot fall under the special education service criteria. He/she first has to be accessed by the public school under the guidelines of the law. Post which only the special school services will be provided to him.
Individual Education Program:
This is all about children who have a special requirement for students who require an advanced plan This is an extended support for special education services which includes:
Focus on individual goals and strengths
List of experts who will be dealing with the child
Areas where the child need maximum support
Classroom Modifications:
You also need to provide the students with some classroom modification techniques which will involve paying special attention to these kids who are suffering from learning difficulties. Some of the common classroom modifications are teachers giving extra time to special children. Also, a separate set of questions should be designed for such kids. These little activities will go a long way in treating and bringing such kids back to mainstream learning.
Technological Support:
Technology has advanced these days and with the aid of technology, you can also help children with learning difficulties. You can get many learning lessons which are specifically designed for such children. There are also many meditating lessons available online which helps such children.
Memory Aids
Usually, children who suffer from learning disorder also faces memory lapses. Thus, there are various tools and technological interventions on the internet which can help such children to get over their memory issues. Also, teachers can also try to make them learn from new methods. Rather than asking them to learn things they can try explaining through images which will be interesting and easy to learn.
Above given are some of the best tips and tricks which will go a long way in treating children with learning difficulties.