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Everything You Need To Know About Bollards: Types And Installation

If you are a builder or someone involved in construction work, it is essential to know about bollards and the best practices to install them. Billiards are of different types and offer several benefits. In this article, we will provide you with every information you need to know about bollards.

Types of Bollards:

1. Removable Bollard

The removable bollard works best for temporary areas. These billiards can be physical as well as virtual. Many corporate companies these things to prevent unwanted people from entering the work zone.

2. Collapsible Bollard

For workspace that needs constant monitoring, the collapsible bollard will be an ideal choice. These bollards are built into the ground and mostly used in parks and public spaces. The best part you can get raised and lowered bollard when in use.

3. Fixed Bollard

These bollards are mostly present in the shopping plazas and government buildings. These types are permanently installed on the ground, and cannot be easily removed.

Uses and benefits of Bollards:

1. Security/safety

Installation of bollards provides your property with heavy-duty protection. The primary purpose of bollards is to make sure that your property is safe and secure. No vehicle or person will be able to crash into the working or the maintenance zone.

2. Control in access to the site

You will come across certain circumstances when you want to restrict the entry of some people or vehicles to your property. It can be primarily in the case of government organizations. Thus, bollards can be used to prevent access to people. While the fixed bollards can avoid the entrance of people, the removal bollard can be used to provide access to some people like drivers or some special dignitaries, like the head people working in an organization.

3. Aesthetic value

Many people nowadays are using bollards to improve the aesthetic value of their property. These days architectural bollards are used for beautification of areas around your house. Besides adding aesthetic value, the architectural values can be used to prevent people from entering a particular area in your property. You can choose different colors and materials for bollards that can give a sleek and appealing appearance to your property. While some people look for the bright yellow bollards, others can go for a canvas bollard that can be printed with different artwork. So, it is up to you how you want your property to look after using the bollards.

Factors to consider when looking for bollard installations

The following are some of the most critical factors you need to consider when going for a bollard installation.

1. Legal requirements

Different legal codes need to be followed about bollard installation in public places. You can place bollards at your private property, but you have to check your local laws before the installation of bollards in public spaces. You may also need to get permits for digging of soil for the installation of permanent bollards. Still, you have to check with your site planner and local authorities about the installation and placement of bollards Brisbane.

2. Site plan

You always need to plan the site before the installation process begins. An architect can help you in making a proper site plan for bollard installation.

3. Spacing of bollards

Bollards are typically installed in rows so that the drivers and pedestrians can see them easily. But, the spacing between bollards is essential. It is critical because it ensures that people with disabilities and motorized chairs can easily pass through them. The spacing requirement can vary, depending upon the area you want to set up the bollard. As per standards, bollards should be placed three tp 5 feet apart.


If you are planning to have it soon in your place, you will notice that proper planning and installation are essential for bollard placement. We hope this article will help you in providing adequate information about bollard placement for your next project.


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