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Different Types of Gas Cutting Accessories and Their Processing

Gas cutting is a process, which is scientifically known as oxy-fuel cutting technique under, which we use oxygen and fuel gases to cut through metals. In gas cutting, a torch is used for the purpose of heating up the metal to its kindling temperature or at the temperature where it can be molded into the desired shape. After bringing the metal to its kindling temperature, we then proceed to release oxygen into the metal, which burns it into a metal oxide and finally comes out of the kerf as slag.

Different Types of Gas Cutting Accessories

There are different types of accessories required in the process of gas cutting. Some of the major accessories are described below:

#1 Regulator: As seen in the above-explained process gas cutting requires an enormous amount of gas to be released at a particular point of time and at a particular pressure. The regulator ensures that the pressure from the tank matches the pressure in the hose. The flow rate in the gas cutting accessory is then adjusted by the operator using needle valves. The needle valves, however, are not the only aspect, which affects the flow of gas. The accurate flow control of gas relies on the constant inlet pressure. The regulator is an important gas cutting accessory whose importance and work has been better explained in the some of the guide kits for gas cutting.

#2 Gas Hoses: This type of gas cutting accessory has been specifically designed for the use of cutting metal. Usually, it is seen that the double hinged or twinned design is used. The twinned design essentially consists of two hosepipes, which are joined. If instead of using twinned designs, separate hoses are used they are required to be clipped or connected after intervals, which are approximately 3 feet that is a meter apart from each other. Although this method of separate regulation is risky, this was the only way to do it before the invention of the twinned designs.

#3 Torch: The torch is one of the essential gas cutting accessories. Some may argue it is the most important of the whole equipment and that there is no meaning to the equipment without the torch. This statement is true. After all, the mixing of the gases has been done, it is through the torch by which the all the energy produced is released for completing the process of cutting. The torch for gas cutting has an oxygen blast trigger or lever, which releases enormous amounts of oxygen if pulled. The torch can be readily available on the market but it is advised to buy it from an authorized hardware store to avoid unnecessary complications and problem in the work.

#4 Nozzle: The nozzle is the tip of the torch, which releases the mixed gases on to the metal to cut it thoroughly. The nozzle releases the mixture at the desired pressure and helps in cutting through the metal. As we know that the mixture of gases is emitted by the nozzle which means that the nozzle first comes in contact with the mixture. This constant exposure of the gas cutting accessory can result in its wearing out completely over a period of time. Hence, to avoid this damage to the nozzle it is advised to have a sheath or covering put over the tip of the torch. This gas cutting accessory can also be brought at any hardware store.

Therefore, these are just a few of the accessories used in the process of gas cutting. Most of the dealers have a wide range of accessories available from which anyone can choose the most suitable one.


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