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Best Home-Based Remedies for Cheap Teeth Whitening

Don’t be embarrassed in having stained, yellow and browning teeth as now there are many products available that will retain the whitening of your teeth and bring back the lost confidence.

Previously, these teeth whitening products weren't readily available to the public. The only way by which you could benefit from them was to go to a dentist where you would have to burn a hole in your pocket but not anymore. However, now with the growing awareness about cheap teeth whitening, we can clean our teeth using our household things.

Who does not wish to possess sparkling white teeth? When you have sparkling white teeth, they will be able to broaden your smile and at the same time, they will also contribute to give you a magnetic personality. Here are some cheap teeth whitening remedies which are home-based:

  1. Floss your teeth: For teeth whitening, some people find it difficult to floss their teeth when compared with brushing. However, as a home remedy, the dentists consider flossing to be more important than brushing. To obtain the best results, you should floss twice daily.

  2. Eat strawberries: Strawberries help to whiten your teeth as they are laced with an enzyme which is known as malic acid and vitamin C. By eating strawberries, they aid in teeth whitening as they help to remove the surface stains. On the other hand, vitamin C helps to wash away the plaque. If you mash a few strawberries and brush your teeth with the mixture once or twice a week can have positive results.

  3. Lemon peel and juice: Lemon is another type of fruit which an effective teeth whitener is also due to the presence of a high acid level which is there in the peel of the lemon. This works as a bleaching agent or even as a powerful whitener. You can either rub the lemon peel to your teeth.

  4. Lemon and baking soda: As a home remedy using baking soda and lemon is an excellent tooth whitening home remedy. The reason for this is that baking soda’s chemical reaction along with the citrus of lemon juice will have a smile-brightening effect. When you brush with this solution up to once per week, it can produce the desired results.

  5. Banana peel: Banana is a type of fruit which has lots of important nutrients for your body. A banana peel should not be a waste. Now rub the banana peels for two minutes. After brushing for fifteen minutes you can brush your teeth with the help of your normal toothpaste. You should repeat the process at least thrice a week. You will get the due results in some time. A banana peel can help to whiten teeth since the banana peels contain minerals such as manganese, potassium, and magnesium and these penetrate the teeth to whiten them.

So, instead of spending thousands on the fees of the doctor, one can get sparkling white teeth by using homemade products and without much investment.

However, there are a few things that one might do or follow to avoid stained teeth:

  1. Regular brushing: It is very important to brush your teeth twice daily to avoid staining of teeth.

  2. Avoid caffeinated products: Caffeinated products have the tendency to leave stain marks on your teeth leading to a yellowish color.

  3. Excessive sweets: Excessive sweets can lead to a lot of damage to your teeth, so one must avoid excessive sweets or brush properly after consuming sweets.


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