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5 Early Signs That Show the Need for Myopia Control

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a growing refractive error of the eye. For a person with normal sight, the curvature of the cornea and the lens aid the viewing process by smoothening and helping with the refraction of the image of an object perceived by the lens on the retina. This image produced has a sharp focus. A refractive error occurs when either the cornea or the lens does not have that smooth curvature and for myopia, the error is of the cornea which causes the image to be refracted in front of the retina rather than on it. This causes a blurred effect when viewing a distant object. This refractive error can be corrected by myopia control.

Sign That’s You Need Myopia Control:

When we talk about myopia control, these three factors are also taken into consideration. Reading something in dim lights, watching something from close quarters (especially television) and not spending much time outdoors are some of the reasons you might develop myopia. While this problem might not be as serious-sounding as eye disease, if left unchecked then myopia poses various health-related issues and even safety hazards.

Going to the doctor and opting for myopia control is of utmost importance. While some symptoms of myopia are easy to discern, some need a specialist’s opinion. Here are 5 of the symptoms that you have must not neglect:

  1. The difficulty is seeing distant objects and needs to squint in order to get a better view.

  2. You suffer from headaches whenever you strain your eyes too much in order to view distant objects

  3. Excessive blinking and constantly rubbing the eyes.

  4. You see flecks of lights in line with your vision. In some cases, there might also be flashes of light that occur in either one or both the eyes.

  5. When you are trying to see something, there seems to be a veil that covers your eyes. The images are hazy beyond comprehension.

What is Myopia Control?

The reason you need to opt for myopia control is that this seemingly little hurdle of sight can often develop into something serious like glaucoma, retinal detachment and myopic maculopathy – the central and retinal area suffers damage. The degree of the refractive error determines the way your treatment needs to go to provide the best results and the doctors can determine that only after a thorough eye examination. Besides, factors like age, medical history, and previous prescriptions also play a role when the treatment procedure is considered. While there are various surgical methods for myopia control, people often avoid those as the results are not always satisfactory and in severe cases, the person still has to wear spectacles even after surgery.

The Most Popular Control Methods Are:

  1. Lenses - Special lenses like distance-center bifocal contact lenses and Ortho-K lenses are recorded to have helped stop myopia progression in children. Ortho-K, or Orthokeratology, is used while you are sleeping. These lenses provide gentle pressure on your cornea which causes a temporary molding of the outer layer. This method lasts all day and you are not required to resort to glasses or lenses until your next rest stop.

  2. Medication - Atropine is found to be effective in the majority of the cases in order to halt malignant myopia. While this cure is not permanent and you need to continue the usage till the progression stops completely or you opt for other methods, there are no side effects to this medication.

Myopia is a very common occurrence, especially among children where it first gets detected. While genetics and the environment often play an important role in the development of myopia, the lifestyle of the person also affects the development of nearsightedness. It is not true in all cases that children of myopic parents will suffer from myopia and at the same time the development of myopia might not be from an early stage. The best way, along with these remedies, is to ensure that you do not strain your eyes too much and that you allow daylight to enter the eyes to provide better nourishment.


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